Second Study Visit of the CLUSGRID project to Nice

Submitted by Clara Santamaria Echaniz on 16 October 2018

SCS Cluster organized the second study visit for the CLUSGRID project in Nice, France during the 7th and 8th of June. The goal of the visit was to learn about the French cluster and the exchange of best practices with the rest of the clusters composing CLUSGRID project. Representatives from regional authorities, other clusters from the same region and the visit to the Smart City Innovation Center also provided with an overview of the innovation ecosystem where SCS Cluster operates.

During the visit, the clusters delegation was able to learn about the SCS from Mr. George Falessi, General Manager of SCS that introduced his strategic vision and main achievements of the cluster during the last years. As well as this, Ms. Stéphanie Schohn explained the wide range of services designed for SMEs and Start Ups and, on the other hand, Mr. Olivier Chavrier presented the innovation actions they’ve put in place. During the second half of the day, they had the opportunity to discuss with regional authorities. M. Pierre Pic from DIRECCTE (Direction Régionale de l’Industrie de la Recherche et de l’Environnement) offered an overview of the funding scheme of France for clusters and M. Jean-Charles Maleysson (Metropole Nice Côte D’Azur) shared information regarding the IRIS project, funded by the European Union and aims to provide sustainable solutions for smart cities and smart grids.

On the second day, there was a presentation by M. Jean-Christophe Clément on the Cap Energies cluster and another on the Flexgrid project which involves both the Cap Energies and SCS clusters, as well as a visit to Smart City Innovation Center (SCIC).

About the CLUSGRID Project

This Study Visit is part of the activities planned within the CLUSGRID project, whose objective is the creation of strategic alliances of clusters at a European level around the value chain of Smart Grids and to provide them with more and better tools to improve the competitiveness of European SMEs.

About the Cluster Excellence program

The Cluster Excellence program aims to create World Class Clusters across the EU by supporting the excellence of clusters. The European Commission launched in 2009 the European Cluster Excellence Initiative - ECEI

Contact person:

Alba Álvarez
Cluster Manager of Solartys
+34 93 182 88 13 / aalvarez [at] (aalvarez[at]secartys[dot]org)

Cluster organisation
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