The second part of exploratory mission in Santiago de Chile
On Wednesday morning on 26.10.2022 the GSSC consortium visited Leitat company where the director Mr. Ferrán Amago presented their activities. Leitat is a private and non-profit technological center, with focus on nanotechnology, advanced manufacturing, circular economy and digital technology. We had the opportunity to visit their laboratories with advanced equipment which is present nowhere else in Chile. In the afternoon GSSC consortium met with representative of Gobierno Regional Metropolitano Mr. Fernando Court and Mrs. Erika Jamett. The Regional Government is an automous body that is in charge of the higher administration of the region. Then the consortium had a meeting with Agencia de Sostenibilidad Energética which is a private non-profit foundation focused on sustainable use of energy by articulating the relevant actors. The last meeting of the day was with Mrs. Bárbara Parragué Guzmán the project manager of Open Sea Lab, which is a project which main goal is to promote the development of the Blue Economy and industry linked to the sea in Chile.
On Thursday on 27.10.2022 the GSSC consortium visited the Valparaíso city where GSSC spent the entire day. The first meeting was with Gobierno Regional de Valparaíso which is a public organisation in charge of the superior administration of the Region. Then the next meeting was with representatives of the Regional Chamber of Commerce Valparaiso which is a trade association that brings together more than 200 companies from various areas of the Valparaiso region. In the afternoon GSSC consortium had several meetings and site visits in the area of Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria. At first, consortium visited the Centro Cientifico Technológico de Valparaíso where activies of the centre and several projects were presented. Then the site visit was organised where different technologies were shown. GSSC consortium continued with the visit to Advanced centre for Electrical and Electronic Engineering where different laboratories were presented. At the end of the visit the GSSC consortium had the opportunity to see the University from inside the campus.
GSSC project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.