The second GSSC exploratory mission in Vietnam
GSSC consortium participated on the exploratory mission in Da Nang in Vietnam. The mission was co-organised by Polish Investment & Trade Agency (PAIH). The consortium explored the potential of Da Nang city to become green small smart city. It is worth to mention that during all meetings all consortia partners had the opportunity to present their cluster organisation and their members and the key dissemination tool the Catalogue of GSSC products and services was used and shared among the participants.
The first day consortium visited Administrative Departmental Structure of Da Nang City. The GSSC consortium had meetings with Promotion and Investment Support Department, Information and Communication Department, Natural Resources and Environmental Department, Industry and Trade Department. We discussed the ways of collaboration in the field of agriculture, water sector, ICT sector, energy sector and others.
The second day of the mission to Vietnam visited Da Nang Hi-Tech Park. The day was full of meetings with relevant stakeholders, technologies centres and companies. First, GSSC consortium was welcomed by the Board of Directors of the Hi-Tech Park and visiting the new Hi-Tech under construction project. The meeting was very interesting, and we found a way for collaboration together with the director Mr. Sin, Pham Truong in energy sector, water sector, solar sector, nanotechnology sector and ICT sector. In the same area we visited the Da Nang IT Park Development Joint Stock Company. Their representatives shown us the data warehouse and the future ecosystem of IT Park. Then we visited the Da Nang Software Park, where are a lot of possibilities for investors and SMEs.
The third day of our mission in Vietnam, the consortium visited the Start-up Eco-System in Da Nang city. The consortium had an opportunity to have B2B and B2C meetings with start-up companies, where we tried to find ways of collaboration for our SMEs. The consortium had the meetings with companies that are helping local and international start-ups to enter the Vietnamese market. Such a companies were Da Nang Innovation Start-up Support Centre, the Union of Science and Technology Associations of Da Nang City, Da Nang Electricity One Member Co., Ltd, FTP Software Co., Ltd. During all meetings all consortia partners had the opportunity to present their cluster organisation and the catalogue of GSSC products and services.
The fourth day the consortium continued by exploring the Start-up Eco-System in Da Nang. The several meetings with local SMEs were held. The first meeting was with the International Institute of Technology (DNIIT). The Deputy Director of MIRE CENTER Dr. Nhan Le Thanh welcomed us and together with his colleague Dr. Do The Can introduced to us their new projects related to green small smart city. Then we continued with exploring the city potential by visiting the Tam Hop Nhat Technology Joint Stock Company and the ENOUVO IT Development One Member Co., Ltd.
The fifth day the consortium visited the last the joint stock company called Smart Digital Technology, where the developers and IT programmers are working on city App that help monitor the city KPIs. After the meeting we had a consortium meeting where we summed up the results of the exploratory mission and started with preparation of the “Report from exploratory mission”. We discussed the next steps within our project and the next exploratory missions to Chile.
We are really excited about the exploratory mission and its results. We hope that we can build strong relationships with relevant stakeholders. The exploratory mission in Vietnam became the next step to prepare the Green Small Smart City project for second strand. GSSC consortium will definitely participate in the next call for proposal to gain support for the second strand activities.
GSSC project was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. The content of this article represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.