The second ConnectEO newsletter is out!

Submitted by Phil Monbet on 22 November 2021


The ConnectEO consortium is pleased to present you the second ConnectEO newsletter, Autumn edition. Find here all relevant information about the project activities and European news for SMEs.

Discover the ConnectEO selected SMEs: The ConnectEO consortium is pleased to announce you the 19 amazing SMEs that have been selected to participate in the trade missions to Australia and Chile as well as the project activities. Find out more about them in our dedicated article.

Facts & figures of the ConnectEO Call for trade missions: Discover some interesting facts and figures about the call and the participants, such as the countries represented, the percentages of the application sector and the target markets, amongst others…

Meet our 4th guest: Eva RODRIGUEZ (FrontierSI): Introducing Eva Rodriguez, from FrontierSI, a not-for-profit company that delivers major benefits to governments, industry and the community in Australia and New Zealand, using expertise in spatial mapping, infrastructures, positioning, geodesy, analytics and standards. What is the used of EO un Australia? Is there a demand for the European imageries? Discover the answers to these questions and more…

News from Europe – The launch of EU missions: The European Commission launched five new EU missions, a new and innovative way to work together and improve the lives of people in Europe and beyond. EU missions aim to tackle big challenges in health, climate and the environment, and to achieve ambitious and inspiring goals in these areas. Find out more about the missions in the article !

To read the articles, please visit

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