SAVE THE DATE! Space for Sea - How Earth Observation services can benefit European companies?

Submitted by Natassa Antoniou on 02 August 2018

It is our pleasure to invite you to the second IDEEO event "Space for Sea - How Earth Observation services can benefit European companies?"

The event will take place from the 21-22 November, Brest, France.

More information will be out soon. 

If you have any questions please contact: philippe.monbet [at] (Philippe Monbet)  

About IDEEO:

the IDEEO project is funded under the COSME Cluster Go International action. The consortium is coordinated by the EARSC and composed of 2 sectorial clusters Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (France) and Cluster Lucano di Bioeconomia (Italy).

The overarching objective of the IDEEO project is the creation of a new European partnership which will promote internationally the use of European Earth Observation capability in different sectors such as marine, agriculture, energy etc.

If you are a cluster interested in IDEEO's objective, please contact rory.donnelly [at] (Rory Donnelly)  

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