The S3martMed Clusters organize their first Working Group with Regions
On 2 April 2019, the five S3martMed cluster partners organised their first Working Group with Regions in Lyon. The session was attended by the regional authorities of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Wallonia, Piedmont, Upper-Silesia and Baden-Württemberg, together with representatives of the five S3martMed clusters.
Working Groups play a crucial role to enable clusters and regional authorities to work hand in hand to explain to SMEs and stakeholders like RTOs, the different type of financial supports available in each region (in the framework of the Smart Specialisation Strategy or at the level of individual innovation policy).
During the session the participants explored possibilities of cross regional funding schemes - for example thanks to sharing existing funding support, based on existing framework such as “cascade funding”/ Vouchers schemes - and discussed about the RIS3 commonalities and priorities of each region in the Health/MedTech area, as well as the role of clusters in the perspective of the post 2020 EU programmes, such as the EU Regional policies and Digital Innovation Hubs.