Request for offer – Expert sessions

Submitted by Mathilde PETIT on 25 November 2020


The RECiPE4Mobility project brings together 5 European Automotive & Mobility clusters: E-Mobility Cluster (Germany), Mobinov (Portugal), Mov’eo (France), RAI Automotive Industry NL (Netherlands) and Zone Cluster (Hungary). This 24-months project has started in February 2020 and strengthens our clusters’ management skills, provides professional services to our ecosystems, notably SMEs, and generates cross-sectorial and cross-border European value chains. 

Focused on the safe and sustainable urban mobility thematic, the partnership will:

  • Develop comprehensive strategies and implementation roadmaps both at clusters and partnership levels 
  • Organise twinning, networking and learning activities and implementing collaboration activities 
  • Implementie the RECiPE4Mobility ClusterXchange pilot, which will organize at least 50 short-term exchanges, including at least 25 for SMEs, 5 exchanges for cluster managers, 10 exchanges for technology centres, and 10 exchanges for other scaling-up support organizations. 
  • Ensure outreach, awareness-raising and long-term activities 

The first months of the project focused on the improvement of cluster managers’ skills to deliver new or improved added-value services to clusters’ SME members.  

Our Automotive & Mobility clusters have identified common strategic areas for skills improvement through exchanges of best practices, consultations of our member SMEs, benchmarking interviews led by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA) and SWOT/TOWS analysis. 

Training sessions objectives 

Our Automotive & Mobility clusters are all confronted with a rather relative support of the State in terms of funding, and with a COVID-19 crisis which will have lasting effects on our members. We therefore need to increase the quality and diversity of the services we offer to them. 

That’s why we are hereby looking for experts to provide our Clusters Managers a 2-hours online training session on each of the several strategic areas for skills improvement we identified, including: 

Theme 1 – How to build, market and sell a service offer as a cluster ? We need to be more result-oriented in the way we build our service offering, thanks to efficient monitoring and decision-making process to lead strategic activities responding to our members’ needs and providing at a least a minimum ROI for the cluster. Moreover, we have a culture of animating the ecosystem which must be complemented by a better communication and marketing of the service offering to cope with the competition. Finally, we wish to consolidate their positioning as European clusters (and not only local/national) and representatives of the Automotive & Mobility sector towards public authorities.  

Theme 2 – How to foster loyalty of members and attract new ones ? The session should provide added-value advice on the following questions: 

  • How to often should we communicate with members so they can understand the benefits of being a member? 
  • To which degree should we involve cluster members (e.g. participation in strategy committee and other committes) or is it enough to share our reports with them?  
  • How high should be the involment of the members in creating the cluster strategy? 
  • How to motivate members to actively participate in our events and activities?  
  • How to make sure that the membership fee is considered a value-for-money service?  
  • What are the best communication channels? Email vs. Website? How important is it to organize in-person meetings (and with whom)? Do we need regural meetings with members (and with which groups)? 
  • How do we manage to bind members to the cluster permanently? what are the decisive factors? 
  • Which factors are decisive for the retention of a member? 
  • What are the triggers for member cancellations?
  • Which strategy should we follow to keep a member if we feel that they would like to leave the cluster?  Are there omens when members resign? 

The content of the training sessions will be tailored to the specific context, strengths and weaknesses of our Automotive & Mobility clusters. The selected expert will have access to Competency Maps gathering these information for each of our 5 clusters. 

Selection criteria

The criteria to select the experts will be the following :  

  • Quality and relevance of the content with respect to the Open Call description: coefficient 4 
  • Clarity of the methodology proposed: coefficient 2 
  • Knowledge of the Automotive & Mobility ecosystem: coefficient 2
  • Customer references and experience on similar missions: coefficient 3
  • Responsiveness and proximity: coefficient 1
  • Ability to grasp the global strategy of RECiPE4Mobility
  • Fee (knowing each session will take place online during 2 hours): coefficient 2 

Terms and deadlines 

In response to this Open Call, are required a:   

  • Presentation of the expert and the company: (1) CV, references on similar missions, contact details, (2) legal form, date of creation, name of the manager, number of FTEs  
  • Presentation of the methodology proposed (content proposed and its relation with the RECiPE4Mobility Competency Maps, format proposed for a dynamic and interactive online training session, etc.)   
  • Total fee 

RECiPE4Mobility could deem the training session unsuccessful if the service doesn’t comply with this Open Call.

The deadline to submit a proposal is 25 December 2020 at 19:00 by e-mail to vincent.le-meau [at]  

  • Launch of the Open Call: 25 November 
  • Deadline for submission: 25 December 2020 
  • Selection of experts: 11 January 2021 
  • Training sessions: 11 February (Theme 1), 18 February 2021 (Theme 2)   


All the training content provided will be RECiPE4Mobility property and will not be communicated to third parties. A non-disclosure agreement will be signed between Mov’eo, Coordinator of the project, and the expert selected for each training session. 

Contact :
Vincent LE MEAU | vincent.le-meau [at] (vincent[dot]le-meau[at]pole-moveo[dot]org)

Mobile : +33 (0)7 66 31 51 34 

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