Recircula: the platform that provides an accessible space to establish a link between citizens and waste management

Submitted by Serena Rebollo González de la Aleja on 08 April 2021

0405 - Foto Noticia
  • The Recircula project was born in 2018 within the framework of the aid of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya, to promote circular economy projects.
  • The Recysmart system, from the Recircula project, will allow a device to be incorporated into waste containers to interact with citizens and encourage the recycling of packaging.
  • The participation of the Packaging Cluster has been key to coordinating the Recircula Solutions proposal, with support at the level of project preparation, memory management and dissemination of the results.

The Catalan startup Recircula Solutions, with the support of the Packaging Cluster and the Agència de Residus de Catalunya, has developed a waste management system to encourage citizens to carry out proper recycling of packaging through product identification technology and key information on your device for the recovery of your waste, such as: the collection of the same, the volume of filling of the containers or the location, among other data.

The Recysmart system, from the Recircula project, is a device that is incorporated into waste containers in order to interact with citizens through a mobile application, to increase the percentage of recycling and improve it.

The procedure goes through the recognition of the packaging, the monetization of the waste bags, the interaction with the citizens through the mobile application, the measurement of the container filling volumes and the collection of all the information in the cloud.

The Packaging Cluster has been collaborating with the startup since 2018, with the involvement of the company in a startup acceleration program that the entity developed thanks to a grant from the Agència per la Competitivitat de l’empresa ACCIÓ. This relationship with the startups that participated has had continuity over time, as is the case with Recircula, with which we have collaborated to carry out a project with circular economy grants from the Agència de Residus de Catalunya.

The hardware and software system of the Recircula project has been validated with a first test at the Sant Cugat City Council, who have positively valued the initiative and want to continue testing with the technology to improve the errors of the first version. 

At the same time, Recircula is evaluating the options available for the commercialization of the technology developed within the waste management market, to establish a profitable business model in the future and to propose a new scalable system in other territories.

Cluster organisation
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