RE-CENTRE first level analysis: Critical Inputs, Suppliers and Technologies Survey
The aim of this document is to provide an analysis of the three sectors involved (furniture-interiors, IT, energy) also following the new economic arrangements that have followed the Covid-19 pandemic crisis and the recent consequences of the war in Ukraine.
For each sector, the document contains a brief overview at European level, a dimensioning of the sector in economic terms, workforce and reference markets.
A second part consists of a SWOT analysis which highlights the capabilities and limitations of the production system.
Finally, the third section is preparatory to defining, also through a survey conducted directly with companies, the barriers and opportunities resulting from the on-going crises, functional to defining the challenges on which to intervene and stimulate virtuous collaborations between the technological sectors (green and digital) and a traditional manufacturing sector such as interiors-furniture.
The document will be the starting point for reflections done during b2b meetings on innovation challenges as part of T1.2 RE-CENTRE innovation matchmaking as well as for discussions activated with the 4 interdisciplinary working groups with 18 selected experts, the results of which will be embedded in the final RPBC Plans for the 3 sectors addressed.
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D1.1_FINAL_RECENTRE.pdf | 3.23 MB |