Project Kick-off - Press Release
The Campania Aerospace District – DAC – is the coordinator of the European project EACP-EUROSME “aErospace inter-clUster smaRt specialization actiOns for SMEs competitiveness in the circular economy approach”, funded by the European Union’s COSME (Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises) Programme within the call “European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for smart specialization investments”. The partnership is composed by 6 clusters, 5 of which are members of EACP (European Aerospace Cluster Partnership), the largest European partnership, namely: DAC (Italy) HAv (Germany) MAC (Czech Republic) TeRN (Italy), AV( France) NWAA, (United Kingdom).
The objective is to achieve at least 4 technological innovation projects for an overall value of 20 million euros, ready to be financed by public funding or private investment. EACP-EUROSME will involve 300 SMEs, 46 clusters (6 directly and 40 indirectly), 6 regions, 20 technological centres and scientific parks from the countries falling within the COSME Programme area. Twenty B2B Cooperation Agreements are expected involving 60 stakeholders.
The EACP-EUROSME project will last 24 months starting from October 2018 with a total budget of approximately five hundred thousand euro funded at a 75% rate.
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