Presentations of German and Ukrainian clusters' activities at Hannover Messe

Submitted by ECCP Team on 23 May 2023

Hannover Messe Article

The European Union had an exhibition stand at Hannover Messe, the world's leading trade fair for industry, where some 4,000 companies from the mechanical engineering, electrical and digital industries as well as the energy sector showcased technologies and solutions for a connected and climate-neutral industry. They covered anything from the digitalisation and automation of complex production processes to the use of hydrogen to power factories and the use of digital solutions to reduce carbon footprints. According to German newspapers, the 2023 fair attracted 130,000 visitors. European Clusters marked the day dedicated to EU networks with outstanding presentations of German and Ukrainian clusters’ activities, inviting collaboration. You can find them here:

1 Beate and Lukas Nogel -2023 04 19 German Cluster Policy.pdf

2-Christoph Runde-230420_Presentation_CRunde_HMI-EU_v01.pdf

3-thorsten preis for Winkler-WAB PPT presentation_SM 30_EC_tp.pdf

4-Thorsten Urban-07__Clusters_Pitching_Urban.pdf

5-KATJA GICKLHORN-Pitch_Cluster Electric Mobility South-West_Katja Gicklhorn_20.04.2023.pdf

6-peter grambow-Vorstellung_CZ-G-NanoHub 17042023.pdf

7-Olga 20.04.23_ClustrersPitchUkraine_Trofymova.pdf

Cluster organisation
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