Submitted by Elisabeth Molina Sanchez on 23 September 2016

Last 19th and 20th September, FEMAC team had the opportunity to participate in the 6th Edition of the Plants Intercluster Meeting – PIC meeting, organized by the three Plants “Pôles de Compétitivité” Terralia, Qualiméditerranée and Vegepolys with the support of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole

Held in Montpellier and hosted by Qualiméditerranée, the workshop was intended for companieslaboratoriesresearch institutes, clusters and other relevant stakeholders from all around Europe, this Event aimed at fostering all types of partnerships: European consortia building, R&D projects, technology and know-how transfers, joint ventures, commercial cooperations etc.

During the first day, we could learn more about calls opportunities for the 2017 period focusing on the societal challenge Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry under the H2020 scheme and companies oriented funding like SME Instrument, Eurostars and Eureka programs.

After the Networking lunch, we participated in the B2B meetings sessions in order to meet potential partners for future projects and for discussing business opportunities. FEMAC team had the chance together with VEGEPOLYs to promote and reinforce NATUREEF project among the members of the meeting.

The first part of the second day was divided in three different interesting workshops. Enric Pedros joined the Digital Services to Agriculture & ICT Workshop, where he was able to exchange the concept 4.0. applied to the French agriculture, compared with FEMAC’s 4.0. strategy and the challenges of the sector around the world due to the fact of the fast growing population.

Elisabeth Molina participated in the interclustering cooperation workshop. The objective was to present different intercluster calls for proposals. Elisabeth based on her experience in European projects, explained the one FEMAC is leading, NATUREEF, funded by COSME program under Cluster Go International call. Together with other 8 European clusters, with the focus of an efficient management of the natural resources, the project aims at the implementation of a joint strategy promoting cross-sectoral cooperation and facilitating the internationalization of SMEs.

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