Participate in our survey to detail skills gap and identify future job profiles

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 08 July 2019

In the mark of the FIT4FoF project, we have created a questionnaire to provide a detailed picture of the skills gaps. The partner in charge of the creation of the survey is the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) from Portugal, with the feedback and comments of the consortium partners.

This survey will be available until July 31st in the link you will find at the end of the article. This questionnaire serves to help on the identification of shortages and mismatches in skills or knowledge and competencies in advanced manufacturing, including digital capabilities.

From the FIT4FoF team we encourage anyone to share the link to the survey with any person. If you have any problem with the link you can find down page, copy the following in your server and go to the survey:

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