The Packaging Cluster visits the Barcelona Test Center of Mettler Toledo
On Wednesday May 5, the Packaging Cluster team traveled to Barcelona to see live the operation of Mettler Toledo's Barcelona Test Center (BTC), the first and only European testing center for the rapid identification of contaminants in all kinds of products, using X-ray technology and metal detection.
The center welcomes visitors from all over the European continent to test the applicability of Mettler Toledo systems in its production chain, so that the final result can be tested in-situ before installation, avoiding unnecessary costs. With this practical tool, the company, associated with the cluster, positions Barcelona as a strategic key point in the development of systems for the automation of processes.
The BTC has machines of various sizes suitable for the measurements of the different products to be tested, such as medicines or food, among others, integrating all the data that is collected on the analysis tape into a computer system that allows locating any type of contaminant outside the established parameters.
It is an initiative that was born in 2019 taking as a reference the procedures of other Mettler Toledo Test Centers in the United States, Malaysia and China, with the aim of scaling up all the knowledge that is generated, in addition to hosting training events.
From the Packaging Cluster, the visit has been used to finish organizing joint projects with the value chain of the packaging sector as the next webinar on June 28, where we will explain the trends in packaging of pharmaceutical products, together with News Packaging.
About the Packaging Cluster and Mettler Toledo
The Packaging Cluster is made up of more than 100 active members from the entire value chain of the packaging sector, with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the packaging ecosystem by promoting market intelligence, networking and projects, among many other activities.
Mettler Toledo is a global manufacturer and supplier of precision equipment for various research and development, quality control, production, logistics and retail applications for customers around the world. For more information about Mettler Toledo: