The Packaging Cluster participates in the EU-Ukraine Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event

Submitted by Mar Bonet on 04 April 2018

This type of events serves to create connections between clusters and the capacity to carry out transversal projects in an international way.

The cluster packaging participated in EU-Ukraine Cluster Policy Learning and Matchmaking Event in Kiev (Ukraine), a meeting between European and Ukrainian clusters on 27 and 28 March. This event has been organized by the European cluster collaboration platform and promoted by the PWC company.

The event took place at the IHub, a coworking center for start-ups.

The objective of this meeting was to foster connections, collaborations and the creation of consortiums to participate in European calls, which allows us to provide internationalization services such as commercial missions, market intelligence, research, creation of new products…, to all those member companies of the cluster.
A total of 50 cluster members and companies related to clusters from all over Europe, and Ukraine, of which 17 clusters related to technology and information6 clusters related to agrofood (including us), have gathered. 12 clusters of eco-energy, building and construction and 3 more clusters of the textile sector.

As a cluster we have had the opportunity to attend a first part of the event where we have heard some speakers who explained the situation of Ukraine. It is in the field of politics and in the framework of the economy. Followed by some different presentations on the development of good practices and cooperation between European and Ukrainian clusters. At the end the block of the presentations, the representatives of the collaborative platform of the European clusters have spoken about the situation and functioning of the platform and the EAP + H2020 Project.

The second block consisted in holding inter-cluster meetings where we were able to meet with four clusters: Cluster “Ea.F. Tech +” from Ukraine, Omnipack, packaging cluster from Hungary, SMART FOOD cluster from Lithuania and Transylvania Textile & Fashion Cluster of Romania. They have been very interesting meetings where we can surely carry out projects and collaborations.

Finally, the meeting ended with a visit to the Green Garden Group, the first Start-up in Ukraine to build an innovative greenhouse using the aeroponic method. This center is currently in the testing phase, but its first crops have been distributed in different ecological and nearby supermarkets.

One of the greenhouses of the Green Garden Group
Cluster organisation
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