New collaboration will boost the biobased economy in Europe

Submitted by Elspeth Bartlet on 08 June 2016

Europe’s leading bioeconomy clusters now working together as 3BI

October 2015

EFIB, Brussels, 28th October 2015 – the leading bioeconomy clusters in the Netherlands, France, the UK and Germany have today joined forces as the 3BI intercluster – Brokering Bio-Based Innovation. Their goal is to support European companies to access important new markets based on renewable raw materials successfully.

3BI is a strategic European partnership that builds on the complementary strengths of four regional innovation clusters: Biobased Delta, BioEconomy, BioVale and Industries & Agro Ressources (IAR). All four clusters use biorefining to convert biological resources into materials, chemicals, fuels, food and feed. They intend to work together in the research, development and deployment of novel high-tech approaches to the conversion of biomass and waste streams into value-added products and applications.

The production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into every day products such as food, feed, energy, chemicals and other materials is increasing rapidly. The bioeconomy creates new markets for innovative products across the globe. European companies need support if they are to access these important new markets successfully. The formation of the 3BI intercluster represents a common intention to explore business linkages between the clusters and their members. 3BI will help European companies to make the most of new markets and new opportunities from the bioeconomy. The 3BI partners focus on growth, innovation and smart specialisation of their regions. Their goal is to promote sustainable solutions for lower carbon footprint and to substitute fossil raw materials in industrial scale.

‘’The necessity for companies to use green raw materials and make their process technologies more sustainable, is a daily priority. For several years Biobased Delta has been working on international collaboration with leading regions in the world. Therefore I am very pleased with the establishment of 3BI as a European intercluster for long lasting collaboration with the leading clusters in the UK, Germany and France. This will boost durable business opportunities for the next decades.’’ Dr. Ir. Willem Sederel, Biobased Delta (Netherlands)

"The bioeconomy not only helps to significantly reduce our society's carbon foot-print, but provides a lot of opportunities for new markets and high-value products and links the European agriculture and forestry to processing industries like chemicals, automotive or plastics. To combine the power of four of the leading bioeconomy regions within 3BI will strengthen the leadership of the European Union in a future economy based on renewable resources.” Prof. Dr. Matthias Zscheile, BioEconomy (Germany)

‘’Over the next decades, the bioeconomy will play an increasingly important role in boosting Europe’s economy by revitalising rural areas while providing more growth and jobs. IAR has been deeply involved from the beginning in the establishment of 3BI. We are glad to launch the intercluster today as we believe it will foster collaborations between European staceholders and contribute to make Europe the world leading bioeconomy region.’’ Thierry Stadler, IAR (France)

Biobased Delta
Biobased Delta is an open innovation cluster based on a successful cross-over between
the agro and chemistry sector with a focus on green feedstock, agro & food waste streams, green building blocks, such as bio-aromatics and functional molecules, and sustainable process technology.

BioEconomy Cluster
BioEconomy Cluster is an open innovation cluster that focuses on the material use of
renewable, lignocellulosic feedstock for innovative products and timber constructions,
basic chemicals, plastics, biobased composites, automotive lightweight parts, packaging
components and bioenergy.

BioVale is an open innovation cluster that draws together Yorkshire and the Humber’s strengths of world-class research, industry and agriculture to facilitate innovation with a particular focus on valorisation of biowastes, high value chemicals from plant and microbes, lignocellulosic fuels and chemicals and agri-tech innovation.

Industries & Agro-Ressources (IAR)
IAR is an innovative cluster, bringing together stakeholders from the entire value
chain (agriculture, agro, chemistry and materials industries) and developing cooperative
R&I projects with industrial applications (€ 1.4 bn invested in the last 10 years), focusing mostly on four strategic areas: advanced biofuels, bio-chemicals, bio-materials and ingredients (food, feed). IAR is a major development player in the European bioeconomy, with a leading role in the European Bio-Based Industries PPP (BBI).

Press questions about the 3BI intercluster can be directed to:



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