More than 200 participants exchanged Food Packaging solutions in the Match2Pack 2020 event

Submitted by Mònica Riera on 26 October 2020

"From the 21st to the 25th of September,  different European professionals gathered in virtual sessions and attended the  seminar on recycled materials in food packaging” 

Last September, different European entities, NRW.InternationalPackbridgekunststoffland NRW e.V.the German Packaging InstituteBusiness Upper Austria and Packaging Cluster, organized an international virtual meeting with professional experts in the packaging of food products, the Match2Pack 2020.

During a whole week, from the 21st to the 25th of September, meetings were held between more than 200 registered participants from Spain, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands to generate new relationships, potential clients and possible consortiums in projects to support sustainability and innovation.

In addition, on the 25th a seminar was held with professionals from the sector on recycled materials in food packaging, together with: Allan DicknerPackaging Development Manager, Ikea SwedenHelena LindhCircular Economy Expert Sweden, Norway & Iceland, Tetra Pak; Jasmin RammerCSR-Manager, Spitz;  Christian HündgenCEO, Hündgen Entsorgung; Dorota KabalaCEO; and Dr. Johannes BermairSecretary General, World  Packaging Organization (WPO), as moderator.

In the webinar, some of the keys to the recyclability of food packaging were given based on the technologies present in European waste managers, as well as possible solutions for the execution of sustainable procedures, to obtain healthy environments. Future packaging where several objectives coexist: the protection of the product, its transport, design, and the results of consumer needs.

The seminar and the Match2Pack 2020 matchmaking  were the perfect opportunity for participants to:

  • Present your products, projects, services, or commercial needs to the rest of the participants of the event in the arranged meetings.
  • Generate new contacts for free.
  • And stay one step ahead of your competitors, by increasing your visibility at European level, learning about different success stories, and learning new methodologies for action.

Also, the event platform gave access to a Marketplace with about 120 opportunities between products, services, cooperation proposals, possible  associations, investments and demands.

Cluster organisation
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