Mobility Goes International – in Action: the next step of the MobiGoIn project!

Submitted by Silvana Sanfeliu Giaimo on 23 January 2018

We have happy news for MobiGoIn Network and everyone interested in the internationalisation of smart mobility solutions: the Mobility Goes International – in Action project have received funding from COSME programme. It will implement and test MobiGoIn Internationalisation Strategy,
which supports European SMEs and Start-ups in their path towards 4 target markets: China-Singapore and Canada-USA.
MobiGoIn-Action Objectives include:
- To build a strategic and collaborative network, at European and International scale, based on the development of collaboration of opportunities on future smart mobility, generating new collaborations between European SMEs and third markets.

- To promote and enhance collaborations among European Smart Mobility SMEs working on complementary innovative solutions, developing competitiveness and pursuing a cross-sectorial approach, by generating the MobiGoIn Value-chains.

- To support concrete potential technological and business partnerships and opportunities in the two targeted World Regions 1. North-America and 2. China-Singapore/Malaysia, through an acceleration program and International missions.
The project started on January the 1st 2018!
for more information and to be updated about the next activities and events of the project, 

click here!

Cluster organisation
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