MAGIA2Market project Kick-Off Meeting

Submitted by Alberto Baldi on 06 October 2020

Press Release – October 5, 2020

MAGIA2Market project Kick-Off Meeting

Medtech Alliance for Global InternationAlisation To Market

The Kick-Off Meeting of the European Medtech Alliance dedicated to support SME Internationalisation was held on September 8-9th. MAGIA2Market follows the first phase of the MAGIA project which ended on December 31, 2019. The second phase, MAGIA2MArket brings together again the four European leading MedTech clusters: bioPmed (coordinator, Piedmont), BioWin (Wallonia), Life Science Nord (Northern Germany) and Lyonbiopole (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) joining forces to continue the successful European Strategic Cluster Partnership on MedTech.

The MedTech sector is highly innovative and ever-evolving. Despite the current COVID-19 crisis, developing strategic technological, industrial, and commercial partnerships as well as getting into investors’ and experts’ networks at international level remains crucial for actors in MedTech. It allows them to be at the forefront of innovation and to generate maximum benefit for patients in Europe and around the world. However, it is an extremely competitive sector for SMEs and entry points in the leading countries are difficult to create.

During the first phase, the MAGIA Alliance has built a comprehensive market knowledge base and an in-depth understanding of two global MedTech markets: USA and China.  The partners have established a strong network of key counterparts such as Medical Alley in the United States, along with Tsinghua University, the ICI co-incubation network, and the China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI) in China.  These partnerships are an excellent basis to expand in both target countries and driving a deeper integration between the clusters and counterparts.

In the first phase, SMEs that have participated in the project have received an excellent preparation in terms of market opportunities and requirements. They have had a chance to get in touch with the MAGIA partners in the target countries and have gotten to exchange experiences with like-minded SMEs.

As a logical next step, MAGIA2Market, the implementation phase, will provide SMEs the opportunity to meet with potential partners, laying the groundwork for potential cooperation, both in terms of business agreements but also co-development or research collaboration.

The four project partners will also explore a third target market, Japan. The aim is to establish strategic partnerships with organizations of the Japanese MedTech innovation ecosystem.

Hence, over the next two years, the overall goal of the MAGIA Alliance is to pursue its primary objective:  the building and reinforcement of strong networks in three target countries, the USA, China and  Japan to provide efficient and long-term gateways for SMEs to penetrate these target markets successfully.

About MAGIA2Market:

MAGIA2Market is the second phase of the MAGIA project, the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International (ESCPs-4i) on medical technologies labelled and co-funded by the European Commission, DG Growth and the Executive Agency for SMEs of the European Commission following the COSME call COS-CLUSINT-2019-3-01 .

Learn more on:


Alberto Baldi, bioPmed/Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero, Project Coordinator: baldi [at] (baldi[at]bioindustrypark[dot]it)

Eugenio Mimosi, bioPmed/Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero , Project Coordinator: mimosi [at] (mimosi[at]biopmed[dot]eu)

Marine Di Vincenzo, BioWin, Responsible for Communication: marine.divincenzo [at] (marine[dot]divincenzo[at]biowin[dot]org)

About the partners:

bioPmed is the Italian innovation cluster dedicated to health care related products and services. Established in 2009 by Regione Piemonte and managed by Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero, the Piedmontese science & technology park specialised in the field. bioPmed brings together companies, research centers, universities and foundations, working together with a common vision and a shared strategic plan. It promotes research-industry interactions, stimulates innovation, supports valorisation and commercialisation of research results and internationalization.


Eugenio Mimosi – International Affairs Manager - mimosi [at]

Alberto Baldi – Cluster Manager - baldi [at] (baldi[at]bioindustrypark[dot]it)

BioWin is the Health competitiveness cluster of Wallonia (Belgium), and its mission is to bring together stakeholders participating in innovative projects and/or education in the fields of Health biotechnology and medical technologies. The research and development supported by the cluster covers all healthcare-related fields.


Damien Diop – Head of Membership Management – Damien.diop [at] (damien[dot]diop[at]biowin[dot]org)

Joelle Gahimbare – European Projects Manager – joelle.gahimbare [at] (joelle[dot]gahimbare[at]biowin[dot]org)

Marine Di Vincenzo – Digital Communications Manager – marine.divincenzo [at] (marine[dot]divincenzo[at]biowin[dot]org)

Life Science Nord strengthens the value chain in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein and has established itself as one of the leading life science networks in Europe. With a complete value chain the Life Science Nord cluster offers a unique infrastructure: practically oriented researchers and clinical staff cooperate closely with partners in the industry to help innovative products and technologies make the breakthrough. To support this structure, the cluster agency Life Science Nord Management GmbH and the Life Science Nord e.V. association work together and offer a variety of activities.


Sarah Niemann – Manager International Affairs – niemann [at] (niemann[at]lifesciencenord[dot]de)

Lyonbiopole cluster unites and structures the innovative, fertile healthcare ecosystem of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, France. As a global competitiveness cluster since its inception in 2005, it supports the sector’s projects and companies to strengthen the development of technological innovations, products and services to meet tomorrow’s healthcare challenges.

Lyonbiopole currently has 245 members, including four major manufacturers who helped cofound it (Sanofi Pasteur, bioMérieux, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Becton Dickinson). It is Gold label certified by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative and a member of MAGIA and S3martmed, two major European metaclusters.


Emilie ROMEO – Head of European Affairs – emilie.romeo [at] (emilie[dot]romeo[at]lyonbiopole[dot]com)

Emilien Voldoire – European project manager – emilien.voldoire [at] (emilien[dot]voldoire[at]lyonbiopole[dot]com)

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