Local Innovation Hubs Inventory
“Local Innovation Hubs Inventory”
elaborated by TeRN in cooperation with project partners, in the framework of EACP-EUROSME project
The EACP-EUROSME project, a cluster collaboration project financed by the EC COSME program, aims to stimulate the cooperation between clusters that come from differently developed regions to develop collaborative paths based on their distinctive skills and their specific resources to exploit their complementarity, to exchange best practices, and to develop and implement a joint cluster partnership strategy with a common “European” vision for the Aerospace smart specialization strategy. The project boosts the collaboration of SMEs within the clusters and across the regions, participating in joint investment projects in smart specialization Aerospace priority areas with a relevant focus on the Circular Economy.
The project is led by DAC (Campania Aerospace District - Italy) and is implemented in cooperation with five European clusters: Hamburg Aviation (Germany), Moravian Aerospace Cluster (Czech Republic), TeRN (Basilicata Technologies for Earth Observation and Natural Risks District, Italy), Aerospace Valley (France) and Northwest Aerospace Alliance (UK).
In the “Local Innovation Hubs Inventory” each partner has identified and listed the technological local innovation hubs, science parks or technology centres, universities and research centres in the aerospace sector active in their geographical area (also the clusters involved in this project were included in the inventory when they offer technological transfer services).
The first objective was to define an inventory of their activities, services offered, research themes and expertise to guarantee a solid scientific basis to the enterprises research effort aimed at implementing research results in innovative successful industrial products and services. In details the technology transfer activities or research expertise that could be of main interest for the priority area identified by the project have been identified.
To facilitate the technology transfer from research to industries and the connection and networking of our SMEs with local innovation hubs, we will implement the following activities:
- The inventory will be shared among EACP/EuroSME partners and theirs stakeholders (through dedicated mailing to clusters’ members and cluster website publication);
- The inventory will be promoted through the EACP network (dedicated mailing to members , website publication, );
- Several webinars with some of our clusters/technology hubs were organized to assist the selected local SMEs to identify potential partners, to develop business cooperation agreements for interregional collaboration bankable projects and to prepare the project proposal to be financed;
- To facilitate, also in the future, the connection of foreign organizations and SMEs with Local Innovation Hubs of aerospace sector present in the geographical areas covered from EACP Eurosme project we identified a “contact person” for each geographical area (see column geographical area of the synoptic table) that could be contacted by e-mail from interested SMEs/organizations in order to make requests and to facilitate networking with entities operating in his territory.
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