LIFE-FLAREX participates in an international Fire Safety workshop
On Monday December 3rd 2018, the LIFE-FLAREX consortium participated in a Fire Safety workshop organized by the International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) in Brussels. Two partners of the LIFE-FLAREX consortium attended, CENTEXBEL as technical expert and AEI TÈXTILS as the project coordinator.
The workshop started with introductory presentations that highlighted the need for fire safety projects with multiple perspectives and using a multidisciplinary approach to address the burdens of fire which are largely unknown by the general public like the cost of fires estimated around 2% of the gross domestic product for developed countries.
During the meeting, several initiatives were presented like the fire information exchange platform to be launched by the European Commission earlier 2019, the general outline of the next framework programme (Horizon Europe) and how the fire safety aspects may be integrated within.
Several stakeholders were present in the workshop, including firefighters, chemical associations, research organizations, fire safety engineers and funding representatives. The LIFE-FLAREX team shared leaflets among the participants and explained the project main goals and current outcomes during the group session.