Launch of the EU KETs4DUAL-USE project: Start of a new European cluster collaboration!
18 September 2018 marked the kick-off of KETs4Dual-Use project. The French clusters (poles de compétitivité) OPTITEC, as the coordinator, & Minalogic partnered with the defense and security related cluster CenSec (Denmark) and Estonian Defence Industry Association (EDIA). By bringing together knowledge, expertise and cross-fertilization of ecosystems in the field of Key Enabling Technologies (Photonics, Micro-electronics & Artificial Intelligence) and defense & security, the project will act as a “springboard” for European dual-use companies wishing to access international markets, with the aim of integrating global value chains and developing sustainable long-term partnerships.
The EU KETs4DUAL-USE, an 18-month project, is funded under the COSME Go International call in the defense and security sector, with the objective of intensifying collaboration across borders between defense & security and high-tech industrial clusters in order to develop and implement joint internationalisation strategies in the area of dual use technologies, products and services towards non-EU countries.