A LASER-GO mission to New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia
On 12-19 Feb. the LASER-GO cluster partnership is organizing a mission to New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia. Two clusters - LITEK and Optence - have put together a portfolio of offers from the cluster companies with the aim to find and engage the potential partners in those countries for the trade in knowledge and high-tech goods. During the mission the visits will be paid to the key research centers at the University of Auckland, the University of Otago, Swinburne University of Technology and RMIT (the latter two being situated in Melbourne, Australia). Photonics companies as well as the public authorities in charge of the innovation policy and the internationalization of science and technology in New Zealand and Melbourne, Australia will be visited and the contacts to be established for a further follow up. The mission takes place within the context of the EU-New Zealand negotiations which could open up markets for businesses on both sides even more wider. The attention received from the counterparts in New Zealand and Australia for this mission clearly indicates that links with Europe have never been more than welcome there.