Joint booth on Smart Systems Integration 2017

Submitted by Frank Boesenberg on 09 March 2017

On March 8th, the 11th Smart Systems Integration (SSI), International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems opened its doors, this time in Cork/Ireland. Participants could attend a broad and valuable programme.
Also Silicon Saxony and a group of our members used this opportunity to present itself to the international audience. On our joined booth we hosted the Centre for Microtechnologies of TU Chemnitz, the City of Dresden, FRT GmbH, Memsfab, Productivity Engineering GmbH as well as the economic development agency of Chemnitz, representing the Smart Systems Campus there.

Within the two days renowed speakers from science and industry presented innovations, trends and applications from complex systems down to the component level. In total, the 52 presentations, 41 poster presentations, a podium discussion dealing with "emerging trends and technologies in IoT and Industry 4.0" as well as 4 key notes could be attended.

Further highlights of the conference were:

  • two Special-Session by EPoSS, the European Technology Platform for Smart Systems Inegration
  • the parallel exhibition with numerous exhibitors from science and industry
  • the Job-Board as career-tool and
  • a pre-conference field trip to the Tyndall National Institute

The participating Silicon Saxony members draw a positive balance from the event, we are already looking forward to the 12th edition next year.

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