IoT4Industry @EU Industry days Bruxelles, 5th February 2019: 2nd Call for collaborative projects coming soon!

Submitted by Guillaume Roux on 28 January 2019

IoT4Industry @EU Industry days Bruxelles, 5th February 2019: 2nd Call for collaborative projects coming soon!

Iot4industry is a 30 months project to foster the integration and the use of IoT into manufacturing sector through 2 calls for collaborative projects:  the purpose is to support interregional collaborations between SMEs, large companies and research centers based in European member states or Horizon 2020 associated countries working in the industrial/manufacturing or ICT/IoT domains.

The first call closed on 20th December: about 180 companies expressed their interests (EoI process). More than 150 proposals have been registered, and 53 of these have been submitted, of which 45 passed the eligibility check; the selected companies will be contacted shortly and they will implement their project in 2019.

Companies applications basically reflect the consortium ecosystem, belonging to automotive (16%), machines (11%), mechanicals (11%), with a surprising result of Food & Beverage industry (11%).  Italy, France and Germany are the countries more represented and in general companies present demonstrator and prototype proposals

The second call will open between 1st April and 11th June 2019 and it offers almost 2 millions of Euros to SMES able to imagine IoT solutions for industries. You have a great idea but you need a partner? Complete the Expression of Interest (EoI) and we will provide you support services (matchmaking and project design). It will open from 1st March to 5th May 2019!

Meet us on the occasion of the EU Industry Days high-level conference 2019 (Bruxelles 5-6th February 2019) where we will present iot4industry opportunities at the Silicon Europe workshop Sustainable cross-cluster networking – a game changer for European Industry in a global digital economy” .(5th February, 2.30 PM, Auditorium).

EU Industry Days high-level conference 2019 is the European Commission event focused on industrial policy organised in various sessions by different Commission departments and industrial stakeholders with the purpose of influencing and inspiring future industry leaders, and prompting discussion and debate amongst different audience categories. Discover the draft agenda and see you in Bruxelles!

You develop an IoT solution for industries?

You look for modernising your PLC?

IOT4INDUSTRY project is made for YOU!


Cluster organisation
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