Invitation for IT companies to participate in first International X-industry hackathon
Latvian IT Cluster as DIGICLUSTERS coordinator are kindly inviting IT companies to apply for International X-industry hackathon, which main aim is to create cooperation between agro-food & packaging producers and IT sector to foster digital transformation in companies.
IT companies are welcome to apply for solving challenges by 31st of October in hackathon webpage: This year, a total of 10 different challenges have been presented from Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Spain. The range of challenges presented is wide enough – from the bakery's digitisation capabilities to the recognition of insects on plant leaves to the solution. The format is simple: to create the right solution for an IT company, based on its expertise, for one of the challenges.
More information about hackathon and Agenda is avalible HERE
Participation in hackathon for IT companies is for free, only travel and accomadation costs have to be covered by IT teams themselves.
International X-industry hackathon is organised under project DIGICLUSTERS that was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme. DIGICLUSTERS is a novel European Strategic Cluster Partnership for smart specialization investments and industrial modernisation of agrofood & packaging sectors towards Industry 4.0 and digital transformation through pioneer concept of Cluster-Facilitated X-Industry Hackathons. More information about project here.