Submitted by Raluca Coscodaru on 16 March 2018

INNOVOUCHER project has worked to develop a new model of innovation voucher programme supporting the transnational exchange of innovation services in Europe. The project aims to help European regions and national governments to face their innovation challenges and achieve their goals in their innovation support to companies by putting into place a collaborative framework across Europe. This way, regions and enterprises can take advantage of the globalization benefits and Europe can promote competitiveness and cooperation in an effective and cross-national way.

With a view to spread the future adoption of the improved model based on the empirical findings of the project, this Call is aimed to test the model in the five partner regions (“target regions”). Besides the dissemination of the results and impacts of this pilot project will encourage other regions to adopt the model. Such a pilot action foresees the provision of financial support to enterprises and their associations, as a mean to achieve its objectives.

Objective of the call:

The objective of the Call is to enable small and medium sized enterprises and their associations to acquire knowledge, technology and innovation services supplied by accredited providers located in other EU Member States.

The action will provide a total grant of 600.000 EUR to a maximum of 25 beneficiaries.

Beneficiaries must be located in any of the following “target regions” (Innovoucher Consortium partner regions): Flanders (Belgium), Romania, Region of Marche (Italy), Poland and Region of Murcia (Spain). Managing Authorities of this Call in Target Regions are as follows:  

Belgium - Flanders


Italy - Region of Marche


Spain - Region of Murcia

VLAIO - Vlaams Gewest

Koning Albert II Laan, 20, 1000 Brussel

UEFISCDI - Unitatea Executiva pentru finantarea Invatamantului Superior, a Cercetarii, Dezvoltarii si Inovarii 

Mendeleev Street 21-25, Bucharest 

SVIM - Sviluppo Marche Srl Società Unipersonale 

Via Gentile Da Fabriano, 9, 60125 Ancona

PARP - Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiebiorczosci

Ul. Panska 81/83 00-834, Warszawa

INFO - Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia 

Avenida de la Fama, 3, 30003 Murcia

Accredited Providers and RIS3 Priorities for the participating regions:

Region of Murcia, Spain: Accredited Providers and RIS3 Priorities,
RomaniaAccredited Providers | RIS3 Priorities,
Poland: Accredited Providers | RIS3 Priorities,
Marche Region, Italy: Accredited Providers and RIS3 Priorities,
Flanders, Belgium: Accredited Providers | RIS3 Priorities.

NOTE: the lists of Accredited Providers published for the current pilot call are not exhaustive. Please, refer to the respective Managing Authority in your region for further information on how to join the lists!

Call calendar:

Publication Date: 15th March 2018.
Submission Deadline: 15th June 2018, 5p.m. Brussels time.

Call launch: 15th March 2018
Submission deadline: 15th June 2018, 5p.m. Brussels time
Notification to Beneficiaries 31st July 2018
Start of the projects:

From Sub-Grant Agreement signature until 28th February 2019

Expected duration of participation: 5 months.
Maximum amount of finacial support for each third party: 24.000 EUR.

Call information and application procedure are available at:…

Cluster organisation
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