Submitted by Eudald Casas i Vaqué on 07 March 2017

INNOVACC is part of two consortiums that have submitted projects within the H2020 European call. Last February 14th an initial proposal was presented and we are now waiting for resolution. If the first stage were accepted, a second phase of the projects should be prepared with more details of actions and budget. The following is a detailed description of each consortium:

Topic SFS-34-2017 “Innovative agri-food chains: unlocking the potential for competitiveness and sustainability”

RETOUCH Project :

      RETOUCH project aims to contribute towards a Responsible, Innovative, Sustainable and Competitive agri-Food Supply Chain by closing the gap between policy ambitions and stakeholders, through a cross-disciplinary, trans-sectorial excellence and holistic approach.

RETOUCH allows stakeholders to be leaders in innovation and influence the creation of a culture of innovation among its members. The aim is to change the vision of the single approach to maximize the involvement of stakeholders at the level of agri-food chains in the EU. RETOUCH will go beyond the development of an innovation co-creation platform to demonstrate and validate the long-term benefits in real-life contexts within the 6 supply chains that arise in different territories, with the active participation of farmers, processors / producers, agri-food SMEs, technology providers, innovation intermediaries, retailers, universities, etc., with the aim of generating collaborative results tailored to consumers and their needs.

INNOVACC participates as leader of working group 2 (WP2) where it will be in charge of coordinating the different members in order to develop a platform with contents of the agri-food sector and enhancing the collaborations between the different actors. At the same time, within this WP, INNOVACC will be responsible for the sub-working group on pigmeat.

The companies associated with INNOVACC, IRIS and 333 corporate SL, are also involved in the project. IRIS will be responsible for creating and developing the web platform and 333 Corporate to provide content to the platform.

The content of the platform will take into account the following economic sectors











Pork meat



Beef meat



Fruits-Vegetables. Long chain for industrial transformation (potatoes, beet-sugar, carrots, green-pea)



Fruits-Vegetables. Short-Regional


  The members of the consortium are listed below:  

Topic: SFS-29-2017 “Socio-eco-economics – socio-economics in ecological approaches”

Projecte COUNTonFARMS:

It is a project that aims to contribute to the growth of 15% in the number of organic livestock farms in the 10 countries involved in the project. At the same time, give the tools and knowledge to promote this type of livestock and produce food with benefits for society.

The objectives are:

  • To better understand the environmental, social and economic impact of the practices of organic farms in agriculture and its relation with the broader social challenges.
  • Identify the factors that can help farmers and rural actors through appropriate policies to adopt ecological practices on farms.
  • Make available all the information to the most relevant actors and those responsible for drafting European policies.

The Balmes Foundation - University of Vic are the partners of the cluster that have invited us to participate in the project. Also participates the UAB which is a member entity of the cluster. From INNOVACC, we asked to incorporate the option of boosting the growth of antibiotic-free livestock.

The members of the consortium are listed below:

Cluster organisation
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