Hungarian study visit -online- 7/10/2020
On 7 October 2020, the virtual study visit in Hungary was organized by INNOSkart. The event was attended by participants from 5 countries and included the following programme and presentations:
- Session I: Living labs visits
- Session II: Networking and founding
- Progress towards the Living Lab Network in Hungary for digitalization in the food industry and some projects
- European and other transnational public funding opportunities for smart sensor systems and digitalization applicable to the food chain
Conclusion: The 3 potential living labs were visited and interviewed in the Connsensys project framework with Campden BRI Hungary as consortium partner. All of them declared their willingness to participate in the living lab network focusing on the digitalization of food processing industry. The virtual study visit in Hungary focused on the presentation of these potential regional living lab network which can be part of the interregional Connsensys and SS4AF partners’ living lab network.
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