Hungarian Regional Stakeholder Workshop
Westpannon Nonprofit Ltd. (Nyugat-Pannon Nonprofit Kft.) organised the first Hungarian INNO INDUSTRY stakeholder workshop on 10 December 2019. The workshop event was aimed at connecting external key experts on cluster activity, industry 4.0 and regional development. Around 15 stakeholders attended the event. The workshop started with Gál Körmendy introducing the project and the possibilities of contribution and benefits for participating for stakeholders. Working closely together with the Ministry of Finance, MA for the policy tool to be influenced within INNO INDUSTRY, they were invited to present both the available and planned calls and funding opportunities for Industry 4.0 within the current funding period, and progress of their sister INTERREG EUROPE project: INNOPROVEMENT.
In the second, more interactive session, stakeholders discussed the SWOT analyses and regional situation, together with colleagues of Westpannon Nonprofit Ltd., and the consultant for the elaboration of the SWOT analyses in Hungary. The participants of the workshop provided great insight and feedback on the preparation process of the SWOT analyses. The stakeholders raised and enthusiastically supported the development of a joint knowledge exchange platform for clusters. The proposals have been integrated into the final national SWOT document and their feasibility is being discussed both within the IKOSZ cluster alliance and with the policymakers.