HTSC 2018 – Sustainability the common theme

Submitted by Carolyn Stanley on 14 September 2018

The third annual Triple Steelix International High Tech Steel Conference (HTSC) was held on September 6-7 at the spectacular Steam Hotel in Västerås. About 100 delegates attended the seminars that covered a wide range of topics around Advanced Steel production, fabrication and use.

The conference was opened by the Governor of Västmanland County, Minoo Akhtarzand. Keynotes were presented by prominent representatives from the Swedish Steel industry, pointing at the great possibilities we have with our leading steel companies as well as innovative SME’s within segments of growing importance.

Three parallel sessions focussing on Future high-tech steel and material choices for the circular economy, Sustainable steel applications for offshore renewable energy and The revolution in AM/PM/3D-printed steel products were held.

“Sustainability was the common theme throughout the conference, showing the leading position of Swedish steel related companies where metals will be part of the solutions for great improvements in terms of more efficient use of natural resources, less energy consumption, less pollution and longer product life cycles in a circular economy,” says Larz Ignberg, Director of Triple Steelix. “One great example is the HYBRIT project, presented by SSAB’s CTO Martin Pei, which may lead to that steel in the future may be produced from ore by using hydrogen instead of coal – thus reducing the considerable CO2-emissions from this process to almost zero in Sweden – and maybe in the long term in the world!”

The conference was also attended by delegates from Triple Steelix “Summer School” YCEAS for international steel PhD. students from all over the world. A two-week session in Sweden with visits to some of our leading steel companies was ended by a diploma ceremony at the conference dinner.

Tiina Ohlsson, Deputy Director, Triple Steelix: - “YCEAS is a fantastic way for young scientists to get in touch with our global leaders in advanced steel production, as well as learning how it is to live and work in our country. This was the fourth year we ran this event that has been rated “fantastic” by the participants. The long-term effects we hope will be more cooperation and an increased attractiveness for our steel industry, work environment and regions”.

At the conference, Ignite Sweden arranged a match-making event generating some 60 meetings between larger and smaller companies that may lead to new business and development.

The HTSC was co-organised by EIT Raw Materials and sponsored by many partners, see 

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