How to go international in Eastern Africa? The second capacity building webinar of euWater4i-SD took place today
The second capacity building webinar of euWater4i-SD on “How to go international in Eastern Africa” took place on Wednesday 26th of April 2023 with about 15 participants. Organized by the internationalisation project euWater4i-SD, the online training aimed at giving an overview of the needs and opportunities of the Eastern African water markets to European SMEs. euWater4i-SD as a project was shortly presented by Louise Gubanski, international project manager at Ecoliance RLP e.V. The project is funded under the EU programme COSME Clusters Go International and support the internationalisation of SMEs with several tools such as capacity building webinars, B2B meetings and trade missions. The target countries of euWater4i-SD are Kenya, Uganda, Peru and Bolivia.
Several representants of the water sector in Kenya and Uganda took the floor and presented their institution / company as well as the market potentials there:
- Tom Armstrong, CEO of Great Rift Valley and JB Drilling as well as Chairman of the Kenya Water Industry Association
- Christopher Kanyesigye, Manager, Research and Development, National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in Uganda
- Hamed Beheshti, CEO of Boreal Light GmbH
- Virginia Nanetia, Senior trainer and researcher at the Kenya Water Institute, representing Leonard Makokha
Finally, the services of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce for Eastern Africa (AHK Eastern Afrika) for EU companies were also presented by Hanna Dittmeyer, Head of the Competence Centre. The session ended with the possibility for participants to ask questions to the speakers.
The webinar was recorded and is available on YouTube for participants to replay or for those who could not attend: euWater4i-SD warmly thanks the speakers and participants and invites them to join the next webinar on Latin America or the trade missions to Kenya and Bolivia this year.