Free webinar - inDemand Community: 12 innovative European regions wanted!
We are looking for 12 regions interested to uptake the created and validated co-creational model for the health sector.
Regions have to apply through a Consortium integrated by three different stakeholders: one challenger, one funder and one supporter. The community is open to receive more committed parties but these 12 regions will benefit from a closer mentoring and a tailored support throughout the project life cycle.
If you are interested, you are just one step away from your objective. All you have to do is just fill in the Application form by 31st August 2018 or join our free webinar on 11th June 2018 at 3pm CET.
Open call at a glance:
- Economic support: Challengers, Funders and Supporters from these 12 regions will be invited and their travel-accommodation costs will be reimbursed.
- Application deadline: 31st August 2018
- Who can apply? Regional consortiums with a challenger, a funder and a supporter
- Language: Application forms can only be filled in English.
- Evaluation criteria: Representativity, Commitment, Expectations and Regional Impact
inDemand Community Webinar
Benefits of becoming part of the inDemand Community
- To more efficiently utilise your regional funds earmarked for healthcare and/or digitalisation and foster innovation within your region.
- To implement a new co-creation and demand-driven model in your Region that ensures that the uptake of the digital solution will be more successful as it serves a real, existing and prioritised need.
- To foster the capacity of health entities to systematically identify and solve their needs while creating opportunities for private companies.
- To replicate the inDemand model under the close coaching and personalised support of the three inDemand regions. inDemand Community Regions will benefit from a personalised support how to implement the model in their territories. Since they will take up an already validated model, this will allow them to save time, energy and efforts to avoid failure and risk.The know-how will be transferred through technical webinars and a fully refunded training session in Brussels in 2019.
Requisites to be part of inDemand Community
- Candidate regions have to submit the proposal in a Consortium that replicates the same constellation of stakeholders defined in the inDemand model, naming a:
- Challenger: public entities, health care providers that identify the unmet needs and then co-create the solution with the solvers
- Funder public: fund management organisations, managing authorities, usually managing Structural Funds at regional level. They launch the competitive call to identify the solvers.
- Supporter: business intermediary organisations, clusters that provide assistance to optimise the business model, access to funding and the commercialisation
Identify these three profiles in your region and let’s innovate together!
- Regions are eligible to apply if they can provide proven records of commitment and possibly experience of collaboration between the healthcare provider, the managing authority managing Structural Funds and a business intermediary organisation, from the sector.
- The selected regions must demonstrate they could implement the inDemand model leveraging their own resources (eg. regional structural funds).
If selected, you will:
- A representative of each regional organization will be invited to a face-to-face training in 2019, whereby travel and accommodation costs will be covered.
- Your region will couple up with the pilot regions to follow the process and have access to lessons learned.
Expected contribution:
The Selected Regions
- are expected to attend the organised online and offline meetings and follow the implementation process in the pilot regions until the end of the project (September 2020) and beyond.
- are committed to investigate the feasibility of the successful implementation process in their own regions and take the necessary steps to make regional public funds available to this end.
Further information:
Please, visit the inDemand website project:
Cluster organisation