Submitted by Ariadna Detrell on 15 July 2019

The partnership of FOSTEX project met on July 10th and 11th at the Romanian partner facilities in Bucharest, INCDTP.

FOSTEX project is co-financed by the European Commission's ERASMUS + program under the Capacity Building for higher education program with the Grant Agreement number 598347-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.

The project started on January 15th 2019, it has a duration of 3 years and a total budget of 999.901€.

AEI TÈXTILS, the Catalan technical textiles’ cluster is member of the consortium. The project coordinator is the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Five additional partners complete the European part of the consortium: the University of West Attica (UNIWA) and CRE.THI.DEV in Greece, Material Connexion and CIAPE in Italy, and the INCDTP research center in Romania. The partnership is completed with six partners from Jordan (JUST - Jordan University of Science and Technology, BAU -  Al-Balqa Applied University and the Amman Chamber of Commerce) and from Morocco (ESITH from Casablanca, University Hassan II of Casablanca and AMITH, the largest Moroccan textile association).

The aim of the project is to stablish a collaboration between the participating European organizations and the ones in Jordan and Morocco, by creating a network, which may benefit the textile industry in the countries involved in the project.

The meeting started on Wednesday 10th with a review of the deliverables produced since the project started. They include the dissemination materials (website, logo, etc.) and first results of the Research and State of the Art done in Jordan and Morocco.

The aim of this research is to assess the importance of the advanced textiles’ sector for the economies of Morocco and Jordan and collaboration between universities and companies in the textile sector; to assess the training needs for experts in advanced textiles’ centers in Jordan and Morocco; to assess the most favorite pedagogical approach for experts in the advanced textiles’ centers and to identify EU best practices and success stories to be transferred to target countries including other funded projects related to capacity building on other sectors.

The Jordan partner JUST presented the methodology pack developed as a methodological approach and the tools that partners will use to carry out the research activities. The research will consist of thre components: Desk research; Field research through interviews and Field research through focus groups.

On the second meeting day, the partners discussed about the next activities to be carried out, which include the completion of the two national reports and the cross-country assessment that will contribute towards definition of the capacity building program to be developed in the next stages of the project. The partners also agreed on the dates for the next meeting in November 2019 in Casablanca, Morocco and the presentation of the project within the ITMC 2019 Conference. CRE.THI.DEV also presented the quality plan and the quality assessment of the kick off meeting and the first semester of the project.

The meeting finished with a visit to INCDTP laboratories.

Members of the FOSTEX project consortium at UPC Terrassa during the Kick Off meeting

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