FIT4FoF project presents its first results at the European Cluster Alliance Online Sessions

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 14 April 2021

April6 ECA morning Session FIT4FoF-01_0

The European project FIT4FoF, focused on identifying new profiles of workers in Industry 4.0 and developing a new training framework for workers, presented this morning, April 7th, at the Morning Session of the European Clusters Alliance (ECA) its first results obtained in the time the project has been active.

The session was introduced by the president of the ECA, Antonio Novo Guerrero, who was followed by André Richier from DG Grow of the European Commission, who presented the Pact for Skills, a model of commitment for the development of skills launched by the European Commission. André highlighted CEAGA, member of FIT4FoF, as one of the leading industrial clusters in Spain of Europe.

Afterwards, Kieran Delaney, project coordinator and member of Munster Technological University (formerly CIT), explained the FIT4FoF project, its objectives and results obtained so far, including the Co-design workshops that have been carried out as a preliminary element to the pilots that are being developed during these months.

To close the session, Paulo Leitao, project partner and professor at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB), explained the skills research process that has been carried out by the FIT4FoF project and made a demonstration of the platform "Skills 4.0 - Upskilling Analysis Tool". This first version of the platform contains a catalogue of the job profiles identified at the beginning of the project as necessary to develop in Industry 4.0, it also includes a catalogue of Training programs where you can find centres offering degrees focused on the identified skills and, finally, a catalogue of industry trends. These three catalogues come together in the Matching tab where you can obtain, through a four-stage selection, the recommended training in order to develop the skills previously selected, as well as several graphs that identify how these skills have an impact on industry today and what the current gap in knowledge is.

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