A fact-finding mission to Mexico for EACP-ABROAD project

Submitted by Julien Dubois on 23 December 2016

A further step in the EACP-ABROAD project was done with a fact-finding mission in Mexico.

On September 27 to 30 2016, a delegation of EACP-ABROAD partners (Aerospace Valley-France, AREA-Spain, Niedersachsen Aviation-Germany) visited Mexican aerospace actors. Just before a similar mission to Japan and two months before the United Arab Emirates mission, another fact-finding mission was organized in Querétaro to improve relationship between aerospace international actors.

For the records, these kind of “fact-finding” missions of EACP-ABROAD project aim to develop a worldwide network between first class aerospace actors. This business trip was the occasion for the European clusters to meet local stakeholders, academic and clusters and in particular:

  • Aerocluster Querétaro
  • Universidad Aeronautica en Querétaro – UNAQ
  • ITP
  • Safran Landing Systems
  • TechOps JV Delta airlines and Aeromexico
  • Airbus North Americas
  • Airbus Helicopter

The delegation also attended the Mexico's Aerospace Summit, a business convention organized by MEXICO NOW in Queretaro. Foundations are now built and good relations were established in view of the upcoming business mission scheduled during the Mexico Famex airshow end of April 2017.

Contact for EACP ABROAD:

Noelia SANZ

General manager of AERA


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