EXTRA LIGHT project deliverables are published online!

Submitted by Fabiola Simeoni on 07 June 2023


Last EXTRA LIGHT project deliverables have been made available online on the project website: https://extralightproject.eu/projects/https://extralightproject.eu/projects/ 

Find out, in particular, D1.3 “Catalogue of strategic business partners, intermediary organizations, and other relevant EU-funded projects for the EXTRA LIGHT internationalization goals”, a list of PPs’ national and European business intermediaries and SME support organizations from target countries (USA, Canada, Japan), along with relevant information on other EU-funded projects.

The catalogue is public in order to be of support also for other Eurocluster projects, clusters, and stakeholders outside the partnership to facilitate internationalization activities in the Extra-EU countries and promote SMEs’ participation in public procurement within the target market countries.   

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