Express your interest to join the community of practice on industry-academia collaboration for knowledge valorisation
“Knowledge valorisation” is the process of creating social and economic value from knowledge by linking different
areas and sectors and by transforming data, know-how and research results into sustainable products, services,
solutions and knowledge-based policies that benefit society. Knowledge valorisation aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by encouraging collaboration and knowledge transfer.
To support the implementation of the Council Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation, (see pp145-152) the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) is now inviting stakeholders to join a Community of practice on industry-academia collaboration for knowledge valorisation to bring in inputs for the co-creation of a Code of practice in this area.
The Community of practice will run from March until the end of June 2023, coordinated by the European Commission. Its work will take place entirely online with monthly meetings using online collaborative tools. A detailed work plan will be shared at the kick-off meeting of the Community of practice. Participation in the Community of practice will not be remunerated and no costs will be reimbursed.
Express your interest to join the Community of practice on industry-academia collaboration for knowledge valorisation and provide ideas for the content of the Code of practice by filling out this survey by 15 March 2023.
More information is available on the Knowledge Valorisation Platform.