ENTROPI Project Update
Work on the ENTROPI project, which is looking at where targeted innovation can achieve significant cost reduction in Multi-Use Platforms at sea, continues to schedule.
Three priority use-cases have been defined and are being taken forward into plans to stimulate investment. The project is concentrating on three scenarios:
- anchoring and mooring solutions
- security and surveillance applications
- a complete platform concept supporting both renewable energy devices and aquaculture facilities
The project has been identifying the status of enabling technologies needed to implement the use-cases and has also highlighted key companies and other stakeholders needed to turn the concepts into reality. Work has been done to identify the potential alignment with innovation policies and funding options. 'Roadmaps' have been devised to describe the main actions and milestones that will be required. In addition the project is identifying the critical factors necessary to attract public and private investment.
An extensive range of companies with the competence to contribute towards the deployment of all three scenarios have been identified. Amongst these, potential ‘pillar companies’ have been identified, as well as a number of smaller, innovative firms. Relevant research centres and public funding programmes have also been highlighted, to create a possible vehicle for public and private investment. Currently the project partners are outlining investment cases for the three scenarios which will show how funding can best be coordinated making the best use of existing financial instruments a both European and national/regional levels.
At the end of November 2018, ENTROPI partner 'PLOCAN' hosted a seminar on ‘Multi-Use Platforms in the Atlantic: Financing and Route to Market’ which attracted several of the key actors in offshore innovation. The meeting focused on discussions with experts in the different interest areas in order to obtain key information to develop robust investment strategies, to promote multi-use platforms capacities, to highlight those areas where innovation can mean a significant cost reduction, and to define investment proposals to turn these innovations into reality.
The project leader, Marine South East, will be presenting the ENTROPI project at two events in the next few weeks:
- The 'Rushlight Show'; showcasing sustainable innovations and clean technologies, 30th January 2019, The Royal Society, London. Full details can be found here.
- The ELBE 'Getting to Market in Blue Energy Seminar', 26th February 2019 taking place in Flanders in Belgium. Full details can be found here
A video describing the ENTROPI project has been prepared by PLOCAN and is available to view here.
The ENTROPI Use Case propositions are available to view here .
For more information and links please visit https://www.offshoreplatforms.eu
ENTROPI is co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.