ENRICH in the USA is proud to present its first ESDP – Online Academy Graduates!

Submitted by Babis Ipektsidis on 17 July 2020

Congratulations to these young and highly motivated talents.

Now our ESDP-Pioneers – as we call our first cohort – are ready to fly and will present you live their experience, knowledge and way forward through a series of Facebook Live Events: ENRICH in the USA Knowledge Pill #1 – 4!

Our four pioneers successfully completed the 4 weeks practical-applicative training, which included 5 hours a week of group meetings plus individual assignments and mentoring through our top Mission Specialists and leading US-experts in the field amongst others: Celia Merzbacher (SRI International), Bob Smith (GW University), Eric Smith (University of Arizona Center for Innovation), Dough Hockstad and Rakhi Gibbons (Tech Launch Arizona), John Hanold (Penn State).
The ESDP Online - Academy included four blocks of training on Shape your business idea, Develop your career path, Build up your knowledge, Accelerate your idea.

Reserve a seat for each Facebook Live event now, by clicking the individual links below:

ENRICH in the USA Knowledge Pill #1 - Paolo Lami:
Paolo Lami, University of Maryland, USA (Italian Diaspora) – 14th July 2020 at 17:00 CET https://www.facebook.com/events/203944850869641/

ENRICH in the USA Knowledge Pill #2 - Philipp Götze:

Philipp Goetze, IWS Fraunhofer, Germany – 15th July 2020 at 17:00 CET

ENRICH in the USA Knowledge Pill #3 - Igor Kotsiuba:
Igor Kotsiuba, isolutions, Ukraine – 20th July 2020 at 17:00 CET

ENRICH in the USA Knowledge Pill #4 - Emanuela Saracino:
Emanuela Saracino, ISOF-CNR, Italy – 21st July 2020 at 17:00 CET
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