Ending our mission to Chile - Day 2
Very interesting meetings with D.G.A.C. (Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil) Chile and Junta de Aeronáutica Civil for our better understanding of Drones legislation in Chile. An honour to meet with César Mac-namara, Director of the operational security dpmt DGAC, Jorge Gebauer, Manuel Bermudez; Martín Mackenna Rueda, General Secretary JAC, David Dueñas S.
Also we met with APANT CHILE, Chilean Drones Pilot Association. Thanks for sharing with us such a complete picture of the drone #economy and #actors in Chile. A real pleasure to meet with Jose Merino, president of APANT, Andres Carrasco, General secretary, Oscar Chau, Treasurer. APANT Chile gather more than #150 drones pilots!
Ultimately, it has been a pleasure to know the activity of chilean drones companies such as the consultancy #FISK, Jorge Cordoba, and RoboMotic Chile, drones creators, Alberto Munizaga Vergara.
#drones #chile #companies
For more information : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/prestigious-drones_chili-mission-day2-ac…