ECCA GA meeting and official set-up
European Circular Costruction Alliance (ECCA) 1st General Assembly meeting took place in Ljubljana, on 11th January 2017. The aim of the GA meeting was to constitute the general assembly, formally establish European Circular Construction Alliance (ECCA) as an European Strategic Cluster Partnership for internacionalization (ESCP-4i), and discuss the ECCA internationalization strategy. Thirteen clusters and innovative business networks from Slovenia, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, and Serbia applied for the partnership in the ECCA ESCP-4i, and three supporting organisations. According to ECCA Partnership agreement the formal conditions for seting up the alliance ware met and the European Circular Construction Alliance (ECCA) was officially set-up. Mr. Victor Ferreira from Sustainable Habitat Cluster, Portugal, was nominated President of the ECCA GA. European Lighthouse Circluar Construction Solutions, integrating novel and complementary technologies and solutions of different ECCA partners allong construction value chains ware discussed to be key elemement of the ECCA internationalization strategy.
European Circular Costruction Alliance is an open partnerships and interested clusters in circular construction and supporting organization can join the alliance any time. More information on the ECCA web side when interested partners can download the ECCA partnership agreement, too.