The EACN partnership participes as special guest in a new "European Alliance against Coronavirus" meeting

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 17 June 2020

On Monday 15th of June, the EACN partnership was invited again by the European Clusters Alliance (ECA) to take part in one of its “European Alliance against Coronavirus” daily sessions. Moderated by Antonio Novo, current ECA’s president, the webinar was this time focused on analysing the main disruptions affecting the automotive ecosystem and attracted the interest of around 35 participants. 

On behalf of the EACN network, Thomas Röhr, from Pôle Véhicule du Futur, had the opportunity to attend as speaker and present our main actions to fight against the COVID-19 crisis as well as what we think the panorama of the automotive sector in the future could be.

The main findings presented are the result of the analysis and contributions made by automotive experts from EACN partnership clusters, in the framework of different working groups. The main conclusions drawn from this analysis, will be used to develop a joint Roadmap with actions and services allowing clusters and their companies to be better prepared for the future, turning challenges into an opportunity. 

In the context of this meeting, we had the opportunity to be in touch with Joanna SZYCHOWSKA, Head of Unit of Automotive and Mobility Industries at the European Commission, who could confirm that our statements are in close concordance with the European Commission’s point of view. 

With almost 20 cluster organizations from 10 different European countries and more than 2,800 members, the EACN partnership could be, no doubt, a good interlocutor to be considered by the European Commission as one of the most relevant experts in our sector.

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