The EACN initiative is looking for experts to support collaborative projects of SMEs

Submitted by Borja Dapena González on 15 June 2020

The EACN project is looking for experts to provide technical assistance to SMEs and guide them for the successful development of their projects.
The European automotive industry faces today several challenges that force companies and especially SMEs to innovate and optimise production and processes to ensure their future competitiveness. In this context, the EACN initiative aims to promote the development of joint projects, where these companies can find solutions to common needs, sharing costs and taking advantage of synergies. The role of the expert is to support the projects and ensure that they are carried out in the most successful way.
These are the joint projects available for application so far:

  1. An integrated data management system for efficient planning, controlling and optimising flexible small series production processes: Implementation of an integrated data management system in which data from machinery is gathered, MES and ERP are integrated and/or APS software is available, and appropriate communication tools (panel, tablet, PC, phone) are at the disposal of the operators to deliver data to the system and to receive feedback from the system. 
  2. Artificial Intelligence and soft touch solutions for robotics in automotive SMEs: Development of a robot workstation for chaotic picking, cutting, trimming, grinding, drilling operations for small series parts. The companies involved in the project will try to set up a demonstrator appropriate to each specific process. The common interest lays in the development of a solution in soft-touch operations and quick machine learning by applying new image recognition technologies.
  3. Improving productivity and product quality through applying cobots in assembly processes: The aim of the project is to increase productivity and product quality (less waste) by way of introducing one or more cobots providing assembly operations together with operators for a portfolio of components. 

If you are interested in any of them, access the ‘Call for Experts’ section on the EACN website or click here

Potential experts must fill in a form with their contact data as well as provide us with their company profile and proof of experience in the field. Once the data are validated by the project and work package coordinators, the candidate will be added to the EACN database for experts, which will only be shared with the project owners. The project owner will choose the expert whose characteristics and services fit better the project requirements.

The deadline for experts to sign up is July 24, 2020.


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