Submitted by Eszter Tamas on 21 April 2020

We need 33 testers from different European organisations to evaluate the course platform. In order to improve the learning experience, we need the contribution of impartial and experimented managers and staff working in the diverse functions of business networks, such as communications, collaborative projects, internationalisation, and cluster management, to test one part of the platform and give us a feedback on the course content and the platform usability.

We would like to offer them to display the logo of their organisations on the Cluster4Smart website.

With this course you will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge  on cluster management, and how to foster industry4.0 trough cluster activity.

The course is divided in 4 modules, with their different lessons and topics, as follows:

  • Cluster Strategy & Value Chain Management
  • Innovation Management
  • Cluster Management and Communication techniques
  • International collaboration

To start it is compulsory to carry out the preliminary test that you will find at the the introduction section.

You can find the training platform here.

Let's test it and share your comments with us!

Cluster organisation
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