Discover the success stories of PIMAP+: Sino-European Innovation Event, a great success of participation and outcomes: 16-17 June 2021
From 16th to 17th June 2021, ALPHA-RLH competitiveness cluster, as the coordinator of PIMAP Plus project, has organised, in cooperation with the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology (China) and the Beijing Zhongguancun Overseas Science Park Co., Ltd, the Sino-European “Optoelectronics and Microwave Innovation. The event has gathered about 642.000 Chinese and European participants online, and 40 persons in presential, in Beijing.
The event was the opportunity to sign a cooperation project agreement between ALPHA-RLH and ZGC Overseas Science Park, in the frame of PIMAP+ project, and enabled the French company Amplitude to officialize a partnership with Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Further, during the event PIMAP Plus partners had the opportunity to introduce their ecosystems both from an academical as well industrial perspective showcasing their innovative projects and products. John Lopez (CNRS & CELIA senior researcher, France) gave a short overview of the last developments on surface structuration and functionalization by laser processing. Barbara Previtali (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) gives an overview of the research and innovation in the field of laser technologies in Lombardy and Pedro Viero (Controlar, Portugal) introduced some new concepts of digitalization regarding robotics and artificial intelligence. Mr Kotek gave a brief overview of the company Evektor (Czech company) and its light sport aircrafts technologies. On 17th June, European and Chinese companies took part in a roadshow to promote their unique know-how and foster exchanges through a Q&A discussion. The roadshow started with Radarbolaget which introduced its radar technologies. Afterwards, BLM group detailed its design and digitalised systems for tubes processing. Then, MGM company delivered a presentation on complex electric propulsion system designs used in fully electric aircraft. And finally, two French companies, Photonis and i2S, performed presentations about ultra-sensitive intensified cameras and Terahertz cameras for non-destructive applications.