Diplomas and Certificates delivered Prosoft Industry 4.0 Program
Thursday November 15 at 11:30 pm in the Auditorium of the Technological Institute of Colima, was carried out the delivery protocol diplomas and certificates of Industry 4.0 Prosoft program, where representatives of the federal government were given, academia, industry and certified by the cluster companies.
In the presidium he was composed by Ing. Denisse Jiménez, Minister of the General Assembly of the IT Cluster Colima on behalf of Ing. Eusebio Virgin, Chairman of the Board of the Cluster. By academics Dr. Lourdes Galeana de la O, General Coordinator of Information Technology at the University of Colima, Mr. Saturnino Reyes Castro, Director of the Technological Institute of Colima.; and by the Federal Government Mr. Germán Tostado Tamayo, Promotion Coordinator Delegation of the Federal Ministry of Economy.; by industrial Biol. Fernando Cardenas Morales, coordinator of the Agricultural Industrial Sector Colima State Council, Eng. Rosa Patricia Ahumada Nava, Director of CANACO SERVYTUR Colima and Arq. Ramiro Preciado Sigala,
The welcome message was in charge of hosting the event, Eng. Saturnino Castro Reyes, Director of the Technological Institute of Colima, who confirmed the commitment of the institution to support all activities that the technology community makes in connection with the productive sectors state, stressing that "the fourth industrial revolution does not come, is here, and the Tec are ready, so we are very pleased to be part of this transformation in Colima".
By the Ministry of Economy Delegation Colima Lic. Germán Tostado, in his speech, he said that "during 2017 and this year 2018, the Ministry of Economy held public policy to enable Centers Industrial Innovation and today Centers Network Innovation has 17 centers located in 12 states, which are coordinated by the Intersectoral Committee for Innovation consisting of the Conacyt, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Economy. It should be noted that the only Industrial Innovation Center dedicated to the Internet of Things in the food industry, is the de Colima ".
Speaking Eng. Denisse Jiménez, representative of the cluster, said "I would like to elaborate a little more about some of the data that we have been sharing attorney Amelia Espinal, our Manager cluster, during the delivery of diplomas, and to share more about the vision and direction being taken by the cluster under the leadership of our current president Engineer Eusebio Virgin. "
He also commented that declared the cluster since 2017, the mission to promote the digital transformation of the State of Colima, and for this work commissions that will coordinate efforts to achieve this purpose were created. He noted that in the Working Committee Agri-Foods, was proposed as an initiative, the enablement of a Center for Industrial Innovation Agroalimentario in conjunction with the Agricultural State Council of Colima, which already have very significant progress and will be inaugurated in the coming weeks .
He reported that in 2017 the Prosoft program launched nationally a call for clusters Information Technology and Business Organizations Technologies propose projects that together with the strategic industries in their states, create the Center for Industrial Innovation . In August 2017 the project Cluster Information Technologies obtained a score of projection on the parametric evaluation of Prosoft, so that together with Puebla, Queretaro and Aguascalientes, support was obtained to enable a Center for Industrial Innovation.
Within this application support Prosoft presented a training program aimed to strengthen the capacities of partners certified by the cluster companies as well as employees of organizations with which the cluster has an agreement. Itself, it strengthened the triple helix: the government, academia and certified companies. This training program focused, as mentioned above, in technologies applied to Industry 4.0.
The program consisted of 400 hours of training carried out during the months of May to July. Altogether 47 were trained IT professionals, of whom 11 are women and 36 men. Of these, 28 were able to Certify: 14 certified Linux, 11 certification cybersecurity and 3 certified in Scrum. Professional certificates, 8 are women and 14 are men. With this program benefited 10 certified by the cluster companies, two higher education institutions, an agency of the state government, a business chamber and an organization of civil society.
In his final message Jimenez Engineer pointed out that "these initiatives Cluster of Information Technologies of Colima maintains firm its intention to work together with academia, government at all three levels, basic industries and the Company, the consolidation of a joint production model that allows the digital transformation of economic and social activities of the state, which will not happen but we are committed to strengthening the capabilities of today colimense talent as we record this event. "