DIGICLUSTERS has been invited to submit INNOSUP project 2nd stage proposal
In order to extend the sustainability and coverage of the ESCP-S3 DIGICLUSTERS project co-funded by European Union COSME programme, DIGICLUSTERS consortium, together with partner organizations, prepared a project application for the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Call H2020-INNOSUP-2019-01-two-stage called MAESTRO 4.0, designed to promote and accelerate digitisation in the food and packaging sectors, creating new value chains (MAstEring the development of new induSTRment al value chains by speeding up digitalization of agrOfood & packaging towards sectors Industry 4.0 and digital transformation). Katarzyna Kowalska (UNIMOS) who is coordinator of the project proposal preparation acknowledges: “The partnership was invited to submit stage 2 proposal of programme H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020, thanks to their successful cooperation and experience working together in the DIGICLUSTER project. All partners are committed to put their effort in second stage proposal to make it successful again!"
MAESTRO 4.0 will stimulate the creation of new globally competitive industrial value chains to accelerate the development of emerging industries, such as digitech and Industry 4.0 in agrofood & packaging and will boost industrial competitiveness & underpin future economic growth, jobs, & progress towards a resource-efficient economy. The project will improve business environment by enhancing innovation capacity, creating new market opportunities and strengthening competitiveness & growth of SMEs, but will also instrumentally support the execution of the renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy, as well as accelerating breakthrough innovation recommendations.
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