DIGICLUSTERS flashbacks on EU Cluster Conference 2019 in Bucharest
DIGICLUSTERS consortium members participated in Clusters most important event of the year – EU Cluster Conference 2019 on 14th – 16th of June in Bucharest, Romania.
Event was perfect place to meet partners and also make new contacts with all ESCP-S3 and other conference participants.
During sessions cluster role as Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) was pointed out as next development stage for speeding up innovation in EU and that is important for DIGICLUSTERS technological partners. Also to achieve project goals partners participated in Partnering event organized by EASME where participants shared their success and challenges in implementation ESCP-S3 project. In the Partnering event DIGICLUSTERS partners presented achievements and challenges for the first six months of the project implementation and also exchanged best practices how to collaborate between thematic smart specialization platforms.
DIGICLUSTERS partners are excited to continue project implementation with new ideas to achieve the best possible results!