Cross-cluster innovation and value creation through a collaborative European roadmap in NMBP sectors* - Regional workshop

Submitted by Lubos Komarek on 01 October 2018

Nanoprogress and National Cluster Association is organizing a Regional workshop aiming at validating a European roadmap in KET sectors that will be held in Prague on the 5th of October. Workshop is a part of CluterNanoRoad project with the aim to stimulate the uptake of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) including nanotechnology, advanced materials, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing into multiple sectors across Europe. The workshop aims at discussing recommendations on clusters’ involvement in initiatives related to KETs and in relation with the RIS3 of the region. Moreover, the workshop will be an opportunity to collect the clusters’ and local/regional authorities’ point of view on the European roadmap presented as draft for discussion. It is addressed to cluster managers and members as “producers of knowledge” (universities, research centre), users (in particular SMEs) and local authorities’ representatives.

Interested parties can register here.

A detailed agenda with some background information can be found here.

The workshop is supported by: Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association, CzechInvest, incubator, Ministry of Industry and Trade, API Agency, Municipality of Liberec.

The ClusterNanoRoad consortia members are: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), inno TSD, Council of European BioRegions (CEBR), Association for nanotechnology actors in Sweden (SWEDNANOTECH), DSP VALLEY VZW (DPS Valley), Silicon Saxony Management GmbH, Nanotechnologies Industry Association (NIA).

 *NMBP sectors: Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Biotechnology, Advanced manufacturing and production

Cluster organisation
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